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Learn About Our Local Birds of Prey
Did you know that many Birds of Prey (also known as Raptors) can be found in our area?  Join us to see our Owls, Hawks and Falcons up close.  You will learn fascinating facts about them and explore the various issues they face, including predator/prey relationships and the important role they have in our ecosystem. You will come away with a new understanding and a deep appreciation of these truly wild creatures that live among us.
This is a great family friendly event! $10/family
ZOOM link will be sent closer to the event date.  You do not need a ZOOM account to participate.  You just need a computer, tablet or a phone that connects to the Internet.  
Program created especially for AOF watchers by: Wings & Talons
Wings and Talons is a 501(c)3 non-profit based in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.  Our mission is to provide for the raptors in our care and those that live in the wild by means of education, stewardship, and conservation. We are also committed to connecting with similar organizations to share knowledge and work together for the common cause of raptor preservation. We offer education programs throughout the Chicago area year round. https://wingsandtalons.org/

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