Here’s a partial list of the native seeds that we collected over these past few weeks which we will be spreading on various natural areas around Lake Zurich. Soe will be sread at the Nature park which is a woodland and wetland. some will go to Kuechmann park, an oak woodland/savanna, and some will go to the Community Services wetland. Breezewald Park prairie patch will get some too. When you consider that many of these species cost $100 a pound, you can see that collecting our own is a financial necessity!
Biennial gaura Big bluestem Black-eyed Susan Bloodroot Blue vervain Bottle brush grass
Bottle brush sedge Brown-eyed Susan Canada wild rye Carrion flower Culvers root Cup plant Early horse gentian Elm-leaved goldenrod Enchanter’s nightshade False Solomon’s seal
Golden Glow rudbickia Grass-leaved goldenrod Hog peanut Illinois tick-trefoil Jack-in-the-pulpit Lead-plant Little bluestem Missouri goldenrod New England aster Nodding wild onion Pale purple coneflower Purple joe-pye weed Purple prairie clover Rattlesnake master Riverbank wild rye Rock cress Rosinweed Rush Shooting star Side oats grama Silky rye Smooth Solomon’s seal Smooth sweet cicely Sneezeweed Starry campion Swamp milkweed Tall bellflower Tall boneset Thimbleweed Water plantain White beard tongue White snakeroot Whorled milkweed Wild bergamot Wild columbine Wild geranium Wild hyacinth Wild leek Wild lettuce Wild onion Woodland sunflower Yellow giant hyssop Yellow pimpernel
Here’s a photo of Jan, John and Mike cleaning and sorting seeds.