AOF In The News – Monarch Butterfly Rescue
AOF was featured in the Chicago Tribune recently. Check out the Chicago Tribune to learn more about this initiative. Article by Phil Rockrohr - Pioneer Press en a [...]
Ancient Oaks Seedlings – Summer 2016
Check out the Summer 2016 newsletter for the latest news and updates including upcoming events, message from the president, project updates and a variety of other updates.Seedlings Newsletter Summer 2016
“Save The Monarch” Kicks Off
In conjunction with the Ancient Oaks Foundation, the Village of Lake Zurich has become a “Save the Monarch” city. This program, headed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, seeks to stem the estimated 90% decline of the monarch butterfly, the iconic orange and black insect that graces North America.
Ancient Oaks Seedlings – Spring 2016
Our spring 2016 newsletter has the latest news and updates including upcoming events, message from the president, project updates and a variety of other updates.Seedlings Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 4
AOF In The News – Kuechmann Park Project
AOF has been working on Kuechmann Park, 626 N Old Rand Road. Our work was just recognized by the Daily Herald. Check out the Daily Herald article to learn more about this project. [...]
Ancient Oaks Seedlings – Winter 2015/16
Our winter newsletter is out. Check out the latest news and updates including upcoming events, message from the president, project updates and a variety of other updates. Seedlings Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 3
Join the Great Backyard Bird Count
Do you have a bird feeder? 15 minutes? Then you can help our winter bird population from the comfort of your home this weekend. Join the AOF as we participate in the 19th annual [...]
Trivia Night was a Blast!
We had a blast at our first annual Trivia Night. Over 50 people made teams, played some awesome trivia, bid on raffle baskets and a live auction. It was a truly fun [...]
Breezewald Prairie Patch is seeded
In spring of 2015 we initiated a meeting between the Village and the townhome developer and worked out a plan to replace the weefd and debris filled area with prairie habitat. We spent the summer ridding [...]