5 students in Trinity International University contacted us to ask if we could help them complete an outdoor practicum as part of thier Biology 300 class.  And of course, we said YES!  We love sharing our knowledge and love of midwest habitats with others.  On Monday August 31, Mary presented a unit on widwest habitat wildlife: mammals, amphibians, birds insects and reptiles.  The group was fascinated by the many new things they learned about our wildlife neighbors. We then walked overr to the Natue Park and sure enough, we saw many signs of the wildlife that we had just talked about.

On Wednesday 9/2, Judi led the group in a discussion of the importance of oak woodlands to our communities health as well as our personal wellbeing.  We then went over to the nature Park and did some habitat restoration- cutting buckthorn!  They were an enthusiastic group!  Thanks to all the TIU students who participated!